
The Life-Changing Magic of... Gratitude!

The Life-Changing Magic of... Gratitude!

Here in Canada, Thanksgiving has come and gone, but we are still focused on the meaning of the holiday, and how we can carry gratitude into each day. While sharing what you're grateful for may be more of a once-a-year occurrence that coincides with a turkey dinner, we've found that paying attention to the little but important things can have a profound and positive impact on your outlook for each day.

With that in mind, here are a few things that the team at NENA Skincare are grateful for:

Natural ingredients that provide results while nourishing your skin

How great is it that you don't have to rely on harsh ingredients and chemicals to have a real and lasting impact on the health of your skin?

Glacial Clay
Glacial Clay, one of the main ingredients in Nena Skincare

Straightforward products that can be used daily to gently cleanse and improve your skin tone and clarity.

Anyone else intimidated by and skeptical of a routine that needs 10+ products? We believe simple is best.

No need for harsh products that can disrupt skin’s moisture balance.

As we get closer to those dry wintry months, your skin can become more sensitive, reactive, and dehydrated. Regularly using a simple routine like NENA's to cleanse, tone, and moisturize (with a weekly mask!) can help your skin to stay glowing all year round.

Traceability and Sustainability

NENA has unmatched control over the entire procurement and manufacturing processes for our clay-based skincare products. 

We hold ourselves to the highest standards and we have procedures in place to protect the environment and ensure a line of products that respect the earth and your skin.

Rodger Upton - NENA Founder
clay mask benefits
Bute Inlet in British Columbia, Source of NENA's Glacial Clay


Most of all, we are grateful for our customers, who prioritize naturally sourced skincare that really works, and know that simplicity is a strength.

How do you practice gratitude? As always, we'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback!

Glacial clay mask