
#NENABrides: Are you attending a wedding this summer? Celebrate with us!

#NENABrides: Are you attending a wedding this summer? Celebrate with us!

Are you getting married this summer? Celebrate with NENA!  Sign up for our campaign and receive free NENA skincare samples for you and your best friends! Whether you’re organizing a bachelorette party, bridal shower, or gifting your bridesmaids, we would love to send you free NENA skincare samples leading up to your big day.  Click here for more information and to apply now. 

nena brides campaign

**Campaign Participation Terms:
Open to Canada and U.S. (excl. Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and other U.S. territories). 
One application per bridesmaids / bachelorette party, or bridal shower allowed. 
All applications will be verified. 
Shipment with standard service (5-15 days depending on region). For urgent shipments, please contact us by email.

nena brides campaignPhoto by Irina Iriser from Pexels

nena brides campaign

So you’ve said yes to the dress, and all the planning seems to be well under control. But there’s one thing that may have slipped under your radar for looking flawless on the big day: prepping your skin. With the upcoming hot and sunny summer weather, our skin changes, producing more oils and sweat, while increasing your risk of getting sunburned.

At NENA, we think it’s important to a) update your existing skincare routine and b) introduce new regiments at least a few months before—sorry, last minute facials won’t do! Whether you’re the lucky bride-to-be or part of your BFF’s bridal party, here are some tips to get you and the girls all ready to glow down the aisle this summer.

How to Keep Up Your Regular Skincare Routine

1. EXFOLIATE from Head to Toe

According to dermatologist Jeannette Graf on, "One of the most effective ways to exfoliate during the summer is to use a scrub on dry skin before you shower." But don’t do it too frequently (max 1-2x/week). Since you wash your face more often in the summer, you’ll risk stripping your skin dry.

2. TONE it up

A good toner will keep your skin oil-free, firm it, and minimize the appearance of pores. Pay closer attention to your T-zone as that area secretes more oil during the summer. Did you know that we makes a really good Glacial Oceanic Mineral Toner?

“(...) This stuff makes your skin feel so soft before even applying moisturizer. The ingredients help detoxify and the company uses super high quality natural ingredients. I’m also using their clay mask and moisturizer & noticed a big improvement in my complexion after only a few days of use. I’d been looking for a good toner & I’m so happy I discovered this product & this company."

- Vicky G. on 


You’ve heard this a million times before: hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! A lack of hydration turns your skin dry, tight and flaky. Plus, dry skin is less resilient and more susceptible to wrinkles. We’ve heard that we should drink a minimum of eight cups of water each day to stay hydrated, so here’s an easy way to keep track: drink from a 1L water bottle and refill it just once a day. It’s as easy as that!

4. Use a Face MASK

NENA Clay MaskNENA Clay Mask is made with 99% of natural Canadian Glacial Oceanic Clay.

Which bride-to-be wouldn’t love to pamper herself? Use a clay mask up to 3x per week to purify and soften your skin while removing dead skin cells. Don’t forget to apply the mask to your neck too for some beautiful décolletage.  


5. EAT Healthy: Load up on Antioxidants

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps fight free radicals in your skin. So load up on Vitamin C-rich fruits when they start coming in season. The best anti-aging berries? Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, acai berries, and cranberries.

Special Sun Care for Summer Weddings

Nena brides campaign

Pamper your skin with NENA's natural mineral Moisturizing Cream

6. Moisturize with SPF 

With the warmer weather, choose a lighter moisturizer or a serums with sunscreen—it acts like a moisturizer too! Go for sunscreens that have broad UV spectrum with at least SPF 30 and reapply every two hours. Otherwise those beautiful sunny rays can cause sunburn, wrinkles, fine lines, and other things that detract from your natural beauty.

7. Lips Need Sunscreen Too

Did you know that the skin on your lips is extremely sensitive? SPF in lip balms is a must, especially when wearing high-shine lip glosses since those attract more UV rays. Protect your precious lips, and they’ll feel super luscious when it comes time to exchange your first kiss as husband and wife.

8. Don’t Scratch Bug Bites!

If you’re the type that easily attracts mosquitos and you’re involved a summer wedding… protecting yourself from bugs is a must. You can simply make your own natural bug spray, containing only a few ingredients: witch hazel, water, rubbing alcohol, and a variety of essential oils.

9. Take Cold Showers

We all love a hot shower, even in hot weather. But they don’t do your skin any good, as they dehydrate and can cause acne breakouts. Don’t forget to wash your face in cold water too!

10. Easy on the Makeup

Go easy on your makeup. Lighten up on foundation, eye shadows and other beauty powders at least once a month before the big day to give your skin some breathing room. Allow makeup to help your beauty shine through on the one day that matters most.

nena brides campaign