
Earth Day 2021: Taking Another Step Towards Sustainability

Earth Day 2021: Taking Another Step Towards Sustainability

Ever wondered where plastic waste goes once you throw it in the bin?  According to rePurpose Global, the majority of plastic waste (91%) — from to-go containers to food wrappers to plastic packaging — never makes it to recycling. Instead, all that waste ends up in our ecosystem, remaining there for centuries.

Plastic Waste

This Earth Day, with the help of rePurpose, NENA has committed to offsetting our plastic footprint by removing 2,730kg of plastic from nature. Our donation to rePurpose helps reduce plastic waste pollution on land and in our oceans, while employing waste workers in developing countries to save plastics from landfills.  

Other recent initiatives we’ve taken with our skincare packaging:

  • Updated our boxes to be printed on recycle paper with eco-friendly vegetable oil ink
  • Switched our ecommerce packaging to water-degradable styrofoam pellets
  • Ensured that our latest launch, the Mineral Serum is in a glass pump bottle.
NENA Sustainable Skincare

As a company, we’re taking responsibility for the plastic waste that we put out and this is one small step of many towards offsetting our waste and becoming more sustainable. 

Celebrate Earth Day with us. Click here to know your plastic footprint and to find out what you can do to offset it.


Sustainable Skincare

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