
How Pollution Hurts Our Skin - and How to Fix It

How Pollution Hurts Our Skin - and How to Fix It
With more and more of us living in cities, our skin is being exposed to significant levels of pollution. The ill-effects of pollution can be felt more in the summer months, when most of us spend more time outside. Research has shown that "considerable effects mediated by air pollutants on the human skin may contribute to premature skin aging, atopic dermatitis, skin cancer, psoriasis, and acne."¹ Pollution and poor air quality are not always visible, but sometimes they are! This summer in NENA’s hometown of Vancouver, Canada, for instance, and in many other parts of the world, there is a daily reminder of pollution with smoke from forest fires hanging heavily in the air. Spending time in unclean air, even for short periods, can leave you feeling tired and lacklustre and the same can happen to your skin!

What can you do about it?

Even though it’s hard to adopt a hermit lifestyle in the height of summer, it’s best to limit our exposure to smoky and polluted air (and not just for our complexion!). We also recommend the restorative properties of NENA Glacial Clay-based skincare to help clarify and balance our skin. Each NENA Skincare product contains naturally purifying Canadian Glacial Clay, or the powerful essence of the clay, Glacial Mineral Water. Both the clay and mineral-rich water have remarkable detoxifying properties thanks to over 60 minerals and rare earth elements. The NENA Toner, Cleanser, and Moisturizer are a great defense against the daily onslaught of pollution our skin can face. While we try to avoid the effects of summertime pollution altogether, we all want to enjoy the season while it lasts. Make sure you don’t miss out and let your skin keep on glowing with the help of NENA Glacial Skincare!   References: ¹ Frontiers in Environmental Science, Air pollution and the skin